Thursday, November 5, 2009

Psalm 23....Personalized!

1 The LORD is my shepherd, I shall not be in want.
(“But God, sometimes I do want…I want things to go my way…to be easy. I want stuff, to be happy, to have fun!”)

2 He makes me lie down in green pastures,
he leads me beside quiet waters,
(“But God, sometimes the waters get so rough and are not still anymore. The pastures are sometimes full of wolves waiting for me to stumble to devour me”)

3 he restores my soul.
(“Oh, God, but you have to restore my soul so many times…Don’t you get frustrated with me?”)

He guides me in paths of righteousness
for his name's sake.
4 Even though I walk
through the valley of the shadow of death, [a]
I will fear no evil,
(“But I do get scared”)

for you are with me;
your rod and your staff,
they comfort me.
(“Oh, so many times I would like to take that staff and just knock…sorry God, got a little carried away…but you know how I get”)

5 You prepare a table before me
in the presence of my enemies.
(“MY ENEMIES!? I am around them all the time and they don’t care about me!”)
You anoint my head with oil;
my cup overflows.
6 Surely goodness and love will follow me
all the days of my life,
(“Well, I am waiting!”)

and I will dwell in the house of the LORD
“Oh, yeah Lord, I remember when I wanted that new truck and the money worked out and I got it…but, oh yeah, the hunting I enjoy so much and I can always get what I want for that too. The kids I see everyday that can barely afford new clothes and food, Lord? Oh, yeah I do see how blessed I am. Sorry for that. Oh, you’re not through yet….

Oh, about the water being rough and the wolves? Yeah, I forgot where you told me that you would never leave me nor forsake me. Yeah, and the one about never giving me more than I can handle with your help…forgot that one too! Sorry…

I know you love me and don’t mind restoring my soul. That is what your grace and mercy is for? OK…

I know when I get scared you will never leave me. Yes, I know you love me and I will work on my anger and the whole knocking folks out with the staff thing.
About my enemies?...I know I am supposed to love them too…BUT…OK Lord, I will work on that too. Man I have a bunch of work to do!

I see your grace, love and mercy everyday. Forgive me for the times that I get a little selfish and take my eyes off of you. Help me to see others before me and to constantly do your will. It will take a lot of patience on your part, God…Oh you are used to it? Yeah, you do know me don’t you? Say you are used to it, huh. Thanks God and Good Night.”

Monday, October 26, 2009

My Getaway

I sat on the deck of the Hatteras Ferry, with the wind in my face, as it made its way toward Ocracoke and felt the weight of the world leave my shoulders. The only break in the darkness ahead of us was the flash of the red and green channel markers as the pilot made his way in between them…finding his way by spotlight, buoy to buoy; marker to marker. I am sure that the people lounging in their cars had to wonder why I had a big smile on my face…simple; I was going to my haven, my refuge, known simply as “the Island”. Nothing else needs to be said. As the lights of Hatteras grew smaller and faded behind me, replaced by the Ocracoke lights ahead, again I relaxed more and more. Some of you will know exactly what I am talking about...for those of you who have never experienced the feeling, I am sorry. As we neared the docks of Ocracoke, I could see the lights of flounder giggers in the water, probing for their elusive prey. The wake of the ferry caught one by surprise as he quickly made his way back to the shore before he was hit by the chilly wake of the boat.

Entering the village, Ocracoke is much different this time of the year than summer. We found the usual stores and restaurants that are usually bright and lively in July silent and dark in October. The sound of car engines, horns and chattering tourist have been replaced by only crickets and frogs. Oh, but the mosquitoes are the same! They quickly welcomed me back as if I was a long lost friend they had missed seeing. So I left them to themselves and made my way to the recliner where I wait to see what tomorrow brings but one thing is sure…I am at Ocracoke and no matter what, rain or shine, tomorrow will be a good day!

Saturday, October 10, 2009

My Father has Cursed Me

Yes I said it, my father cursed me...He has cursed me never to go into the woods without looking for a "lighter stump". And if you think you have found one, it is imperative that you take out a knife and skin the wood exposing the inside and smell to see if it is "fat" or not. For those of you who don't know what a lighter stump is, it is a pine stump or log that has rotted down to the center or "heart" and now it has a high concentration of pitch in it so that it catches fire quickly and burns very hot. (Fat lightwood has more pitch) Now I know that you are wondering "what in the world are you talking about?" Let me try to explain.

When my dad and I used to go into the woods together to hunt, we would never come out empty handed. We heated our house with wood, so we had to bring out any lightwood we found. Now let me tell you, we had so much accumulated at the house by the time we stopped heating with wood that you could have burned the world, but did that keep my dad from getting more?...NOOO! You can never have enough. Well, I don't heat my house with wood, never have, but I still bring out stumps and logs every chance I get and make a mental note wherever I see a stump. And yes, I too have enough stored here to burn down a city block. Just today I was clearing lanes in the woods and found two stumps...and yes daddy, I took the machete, skinned the outside and checked for "fatness". (It was fat by the way)

This curse has caused me to be the brunt of jokes and even gotten me close to getting a ticket. My friends will laugh at me when I come out from hunting with the 4 wheeler loaded down with logs of lightwood. Once, while I was squirrel hunting, I picked up a log and took it to my car. When I got close, I put it down with the thought of going back and getting it when I put my gun up. Once I got to the car, a game warden was there and questioned me about what I had in my hand that I dropped. I tried to tell him but he did not believe me. I had to take him into the woods and show him...and yes I picked it up and brought it out. You see, I still would not pass the chance to bring it out like my dad taught me no matter what.

I have taken the pleasure here of late teaching my son how to start fires in our fire pit I was given for Father's Day. Every time I split some lightwood for kindling, I make the boys smell it. I have taught him how to start with a few sticks of lightwood on top of some newspaper, topped with some kindling and larger wood. (see daddy, I was paying attention) We all delight when the fire starts roaring and catching up. Just one more thing that I have enjoyed passing down to my children that my dad taught me.

And when my boys and I start going in the woods together more often, I will teach them to find a lightwood stump by sight and then to skin it and see if it is fat or not...and of course they will have to bring it out of the woods. :)

Monday, September 7, 2009

Porches, Backyards and Neighborhood Roads

I love Bethel....Let me tell you why! It is because Bethel has all the things that this world needs and has gotten away from. That is porches, backyards and neighborhood roads.
Today was a lazy day. I went to church, which by the by was great. We had Police and Firefighter Appreciation Day. Went out to eat then came home and napped for a while. But it is what we did later that makes me write this now.

I took the boys over to one of their friends to play. My two boys, along with 4 of their friends jumped on the trampoline, danced, wrestled, and just had boy fun. It took me back to the days when me and my neighborhood boys would play all afternoon long. Chris, Phillip and I would play army and football until it got dark and we had to come home. You just cant get that in the city!

On the way home, we saw people, neighborhood folk if you will, sitting on the porch, talking and watching the sun go down. Like clock work, there were the Mannings riding their bikes through the neighborhood. If you dont see both or at least one of them riding everyday during good weather, they are either out of town or have company! There was Mr. Bob, walking Bailey (his dog); Mr Eldon and Mrs. Rachel walking down the road, waving hello to everyone who walked by...and did I say they are at least in their 70s. I joked with Mrs. Rachel that it was getting dark and to make sure Mr. Eldon did not lead her down a dark road and try to sneak a kiss! Our preacher, Heath, his wife and kids, Leann, Joshua and little Savannah were out for a evening stroll...and I do mean stroll. Joshua is about 3 and Savannah was just born this summer. They were stopping along the way to talk to people in their yards and then would again start their journey around the block. Kids, filling the streets on their bikes, and like me in days of old waiting for their moms to call them home.

Now maybe I am wrong, but that is what we need more I am not wrong! That is small town; the atmosphere we have lost as "progress" has taken over. I know that there are neighborhoods in big towns, but there is something about living in a small town. So what that we have to drive to the next town for a grocery is only 5 minutes down the road. You have to do that in the city and fight traffic. No traffic jams here...unless Mr. Crawford is moving a tractor from one field to another or the train catches you.

So when things get too fast for you, and you need to just slow down, come see us in Bethel...if you lived here, you would be home by now!

Monday, August 10, 2009

Too Hot.

This was me today!!
How can it be soooo hot? Now, I don't remember it being this hot when I was young. I stayed outside all day long and played and never thought about the heat. Heck, I push mowed my yard and never got too hot. I mowed with the riding mower today and thought I would pass out. My shirt was soaking wet when I was through.

Then if that was not bad enough, I had to go lifeguard in the heat of the day. Now, I know that is not a tough job, but having to sit in the heat and just sweat is unbearable. I have an umbrella, but I could not scrunch up enough to get in the shade until after 2 or so. I could get relief by jumping in the water though so it wasn't so bad.

Then to round it all off, I had tennis practice at 5. Only two girls showed up...which is disheartening in itself. I have a match the first day of school, and I have not had enough girls show up yet to have a team. But I digress.....I hit some with the girls and again, my shirt was soaking wet. At the end, I ran 2 laps with the girls and even though I thought my lungs would fall out and my calves would split in two, I did not stop and made it through. It is a good thing, because I did not feel that bad about the extra helping of chicken and pastry and apple turnover with ice cream I ate! :)

Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Daddy's Birthday

Well happy birthday to Phillip Woolard. Now some say, "Oh, you are Phillip Jr, so your dad is a Sr. Not so! He always says that he is not Sr, he is the original. I have thought about that. Everyone who has a son that is a "Jr." and signs their name "Sr." is not their real name right? I mean on my birth certificate it says, Phillip McCoy Woolard, Jr., but on his it just says Phillip McCoy Woolard. Go figure. Well enough of the rambling.

Today he is 66 years old or young, however you want to put it. I just know I am so glad to have him as a father. He has been a great role model in my least when I finally started listening to him! I remember after my oldest McCoy (the III) was born I called dad and told him he had really gotten smart over a year. Come to find out, he was right a lot when I was younger.
Just think of all the things your parents have taught you. And if you are a boy, all the things your dad has taught you. I learned to shoot a gun, drive a truck, hunt, fish and sing a song at the drop of a hat when someone says words that remind you of it. Most of all, I have learned how to be a great father from him. I hope that I remember all the examples, although I must admit that I often did not pay attention too well. Well let me say, HAPPY BIRTHDAY dad and many more to follow!

Saturday, July 25, 2009

My New Boat

Well I finally have a boat! It is a 19 ft. Ken-Craft Challenger. I bought it yesterday morning and the family and I took it out today...or should I say, tried to take it out. Following my neighbors advice, I started it in the driveway to make sure it ran fine. We went to a town close by to the Roanoke River. I backed it into the water, had my wife sit in the truck and started to back the boat off the trailer. After I finally got it started and in the water, it cut off. Well, I finally restarted it after much praying and pleading, and drove up to the bank to get my kids and wife. The water was low so they had to walk in the red clay to get to the boat. Everyone got in except for my wife. And there she is, one leg over the rail and the other still on the bank and the splits begin. Then it chokes off again. I finally decide it better to not be at the mercy of the Roanoke River current and pulled it back to the trailer, loaded it and back home we come. Now, here is the kicker....I pulled it back in the driveway, hooked up the muffs and it started right back up, NO PROBLEM. It actually makes me feel better. I think that maybe I flooded it or did something else wrong. Better luck next time, but it will be somewhere with a better dock! Why did I want a boat so badly? Well, here is a picture anyway.

Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Single Parent

Well just for a couple of more days anyway. My wife and oldest child is at Centri-Kid church camp. I was really worried about my son because sometimes he does not like to try anything new...especially if there are a bunch of people around. So, it is just me and my youngest here at home. Well the first day was very full. We saw them off and then I took Evan to tennis workouts. None of the girls showed up, so Evan and I hit some tennis balls. I would throw them to him and he would try to hit them over the chain fence. When he hit a couple over, he told me, "This tennis stuff is easy." I did not have the heart to tell him that that was not the object...He had so much fun. Afterwards, we went to the pool and then he went with me to give blood...and fell asleep. Thank goodness for our preacher and his wife who cooked lasagna with pepperonis on top for us...YUM YUM! We finished the night with Evan watching movies with a friend of his.

Last night he spent the night with my parents while I went to Greensboro to the coaches clinic....Now let me stray....

Can you tell me why football coaches, "muscled up" and "fatted up" have to walk around like they are so studly they cant clap their hands. All morning long I heard, "Hey coach." I am not sure if they cant remember each other's names from one meeting to another, or if it is just a universal coach greeting. I don't remember doing that when I was a football least I hope I did not. Back to the story..

Well we ate with my parents and now we are home getting ready for bed...or at least I am. Evan is WIDE awake in the chair watching The Suite Life. I think he could stay up all night if I would let him. Tomorrow we will have to work on cleaning up the house. As you can imagine, this looks like a bachelor pad. The dishes need to be clean, we have thrown clothes on the floor and left our shoes wherever we took them off. (I hope my wife doesn't read this!)

Now to the obvious....IT IS QUIET AND BORING AROUND HERE WITHOUT MY WIFE AND MCCOY. They should be back Friday night and I CANT WAIT. Having a full family is the greatest!

Next post....Old Family Stories..

Wednesday, July 15, 2009

New Rant

I keep listening to sports radio and ESPN and they keep calling this the "steroid era" in baseball. I am sick and tired of it. By labeling this the "steroid era" you are hanging that moniker on every person that is playing or has played since 2000. Also, every "performance enhancer" is not a "steroid". And what is "performance enhancing"? Brian Roberts, once second baseman for the Orioles, was an average player until a few years ago. That is until he had laser surgery to correct his eyesight. Afterwards, he had an all star year. He batted well over 300 was the talk of all baseball. Did he not enhance his performance? How about if I take vitamins, energy drinks, or corrective surgery. Aren't they performance enhancers? Let me give you my take on it that I have not heard anyone else say. Stay with me now.

Steroids ran rampant in the NFL in the late 70s and 80s. NFL tested and caught many players, however, baseball did not. If there were so many professional football players taking steroids, why does everyone think that there were no baseball players taking them until 2000? Are we to think and believe, following the media like blind sheep, that baseball was 20 years behind football. Let's look at some players that have not and will not ever be accused of performance enhancing. Has anyone ever looked at Dave Winfield, Kirby Puckett or Bo Jackson? Do we think that those guys got that big naturally? And heaven forbid we ever accuse Reggie Jackson. Look at what these guys did and their size. Now I would never say that they were juicing, but if we look at players today who are muscular and accuse them, shouldn't we do the same for those prior to the 2000s? We have better nutrition and supplements today, but if a guy hits tons of home runs and has muscles, he has to be taking steroids.

Also, if the people who have been named lately like A-Rod, were being tested anonymously in 2003, why have there not been any investigation on who leaked out this confidential, anonymous information. I would be the first to start a lawsuit if I had been "outed". The tests were supposedly just to try to get a handle on what steroid problem there may be in MLB. Why were names even listed with tests.

Just thought I would give you something to think about today.

Tuesday, July 14, 2009



I have the fever worse than ever! I really want a boat like a crack head wants a fix! There is just something about being on the water I love. (must be another "it" Heather) My boys have even developed a love for it and McCoy, my oldest, used to be petrified of boats and the water. I have looked at a few, a Swan Point 16 foot....too small; and today, a 18 foot Key Largo....JUST RIGHT! It is large enought for my family and the sides are high enough to be safe. I am afraid, however, that once I get one that I may not have the time to go when I want....Wait, who am I kidding? I have all summer off and holidays. There is no excuse not to have a boat.....oh wait, yes there is...her name is Rebecca, my logical side of the brain. She always slows me down and makes me think of it from another point of view. I will keep you up to date on the boat situation.

Saturday, July 11, 2009

I Know Something Makes You Do It!

And that "it" is just makes you smile! It can be anything that causes you to relax, smile or harken back to days gone by. At that moment, the stars are lined up and all is right with the world. Let me tell you what one of those "its" is for me....IT'S A BASEBALL FIELD! Sometimes, I dont have to even be there. For example, I am watching Field of Dreams now on TV; to me one of the top three baseball movies ever made. (The other two being The Natural and Summer Catch) When it showed the baseball field Ray Kinsella, Kevin Costner's character, created, I had that feeling. I love going out on the baseball field at North Pitt and just walking. If I can take my shoes off and go barefooted, that's even better. There is something about the green grass, red clay and lights that I love. There are many nights and days when I coached, that I would just take a bucket and go sit out in center field and take in the sights and smells of the field. In 1998, the baseball team went to the state playoffs and made a run all the way to the eastern regional championship. After each home game, Preston Bowers and I would sit at home plate and just take it all in. Everyone would be gone and we would sit and talk, taking in the "feeling of the field". Now let me tell you, its not just the field either. It is the feel of a baseball in your hand, the glove as it wraps around your fingers or how a bat feels as you grip in and prepare to hit the ball....MAN!
For those of you that have your own "it" you understand what I am saying.....And if you are saying to yourself, "He has lost it and call in the white coats!" I tell you to get out and get passionate about something. Find something that makes your heart beat stronger, your stomach get butterflies and makes you smile!

Late Night Ramblings

Ok, lets talk about kayaking. For the past couple of years, I have grown to enjoy the sport of kayaking. I caught the bug a couple of summers ago when I spent a week in Montana on the Missouri River. I went with NCCAT and paddled around 50 miles and hiked another 30 or so. Afterwards, I bought a 14 foot Wilderness Pamlico "sit in" river kayak and a 14 foot Hobie "sit on top" ocean kayak. There is a huge difference between the two. Other than the obvious of "sit in" and sit on", is the purpose for which they are created. The river kayak is much less sturdy than the ocean kayak. You could turn yourself over in the river kayak, but it is very difficult to turn yourself over in the ocean kayak without help from a wave. Also, the ocean kayak is "self bailing", that is to say it has holes in the bottom that will let water out but not in.
Kayaking is a very peaceful pass time. Usually there is nothing but the sound of nature and the splash of a paddle. You also tend not to scare animals as much is a kayak as any other watercraft. I am not sure if it is because you are so close to the water or the lack of noise you make. My advise to anyone is to give it a try...and if you need a partner, give me a call.

Thursday, July 9, 2009

Let's See What Happened Today

I have had a good week. My garden is doing great. I have picked about 40 tomatoes, 70 jalapenos and a handful of cucumbers. My wife and I made some salso tonight and it is hot! I put 10 jalapenos in there and I should have only put in 6 or so. My grape vine is full too. I think we may try to make some grape jelly from them.
My boys and I just got back from an allstar game at North Pitt High. Greenville allstars beat Nash County and Pitt County (our area) beat Ayden Farmville Grifton. It was a great game. My next door neighbor catches for the Pitt County team. The score was 5-4. The game seemed to drag by.
Now I am sitting here in my favorite room of the house, the sunroom watching TV. Steve Harvey is on and he is hilarious. I really enjoy him and George Lopez...but why do they have to talk so nasty all the time. I think they would be just as funny without it. Steve Harvey claims he is trying to be a good Christian, but he still talks. I think it is all about the character. They are afraid to lose money. I love when he talks about his family! Let me go and listen to him some more. I am about to bust a gut laughing.

The "Experiment"

Well this is my new "toy". A great friend of mine has turned me on to blogging and we will see where it goes. She even helped me with the title. It is a reference to me being a history teacher and my goofy spirit. It is from William Henry Harrison and the Battle of Tippecanoe against the Native Americans. It also became his nickname (Old Tippecanoe) and campaign slogan during his presidential campaign. I hope those of you who read this will enjoy.....and thanks friend.