This was me today!!
How can it be soooo hot? Now, I don't remember it being this hot when I was young. I stayed outside all day long and played and never thought about the heat. Heck, I push mowed my yard and never got too hot. I mowed with the riding mower today and thought I would pass out. My shirt was soaking wet when I was through.
Then if that was not bad enough, I had to go lifeguard in the heat of the day. Now, I know that is not a tough job, but having to sit in the heat and just sweat is unbearable. I have an umbrella, but I could not scrunch up enough to get in the shade until after 2 or so. I could get relief by jumping in the water though so it wasn't so bad.
Then to round it all off, I had tennis practice at 5. Only two girls showed up...which is disheartening in itself. I have a match the first day of school, and I have not had enough girls show up yet to have a team. But I digress.....I hit some with the girls and again, my shirt was soaking wet. At the end, I ran 2 laps with the girls and even though I thought my lungs would fall out and my calves would split in two, I did not stop and made it through. It is a good thing, because I did not feel that bad about the extra helping of chicken and pastry and apple turnover with ice cream I ate! :)