Thursday, July 9, 2009

Let's See What Happened Today

I have had a good week. My garden is doing great. I have picked about 40 tomatoes, 70 jalapenos and a handful of cucumbers. My wife and I made some salso tonight and it is hot! I put 10 jalapenos in there and I should have only put in 6 or so. My grape vine is full too. I think we may try to make some grape jelly from them.
My boys and I just got back from an allstar game at North Pitt High. Greenville allstars beat Nash County and Pitt County (our area) beat Ayden Farmville Grifton. It was a great game. My next door neighbor catches for the Pitt County team. The score was 5-4. The game seemed to drag by.
Now I am sitting here in my favorite room of the house, the sunroom watching TV. Steve Harvey is on and he is hilarious. I really enjoy him and George Lopez...but why do they have to talk so nasty all the time. I think they would be just as funny without it. Steve Harvey claims he is trying to be a good Christian, but he still talks. I think it is all about the character. They are afraid to lose money. I love when he talks about his family! Let me go and listen to him some more. I am about to bust a gut laughing.


  1. I agree with you about comedians being so nasty. It's so unnecessary and really dumbs down their "act" most of the time. I also don't get why every audience gets so excited at any reference to marijuana use. What is so funny about pot? Must we cheer for drugs? Are people really that infantile or is it the peer pressure of being in a crowd? Maybe I would understand it if I had ever smoked it. To me, it just seems nasty and foolish.

  2. The tomatoes were awesome on our burgers this weekend, thanks for sending some with Kally. Heather and I were very impressed! Also, we were impressed with how much Kally has matured and her continued positive yet realistic attitude about EVERYTHING. Roger's got a lot to be proud of.
