Saturday, July 25, 2009

My New Boat

Well I finally have a boat! It is a 19 ft. Ken-Craft Challenger. I bought it yesterday morning and the family and I took it out today...or should I say, tried to take it out. Following my neighbors advice, I started it in the driveway to make sure it ran fine. We went to a town close by to the Roanoke River. I backed it into the water, had my wife sit in the truck and started to back the boat off the trailer. After I finally got it started and in the water, it cut off. Well, I finally restarted it after much praying and pleading, and drove up to the bank to get my kids and wife. The water was low so they had to walk in the red clay to get to the boat. Everyone got in except for my wife. And there she is, one leg over the rail and the other still on the bank and the splits begin. Then it chokes off again. I finally decide it better to not be at the mercy of the Roanoke River current and pulled it back to the trailer, loaded it and back home we come. Now, here is the kicker....I pulled it back in the driveway, hooked up the muffs and it started right back up, NO PROBLEM. It actually makes me feel better. I think that maybe I flooded it or did something else wrong. Better luck next time, but it will be somewhere with a better dock! Why did I want a boat so badly? Well, here is a picture anyway.


  1. AAAAHHHHHHH! I am so excited for you!!!! I can't believe you want a boat one week and the next you have one. This must have been something you wanted for a while. It's beautiful! What will you name her? May I suggest "Big Dinghy"?

  2. "Big Dinghy" huh? I am not sure yet. I have to think of a good one...I will be stuck with it. How about "Aqua Envy"?
